The (hulahooping) Dying Swan
Location: Geelong, Melbourne

Travel Information:

Where it is necessary to travel longer than 2 hours it may be necessary to provide accommdation on the night before and the night of performances.

Judith Lanigan travels with the following

Pack of 30  hula hoops dimensions 1m x 1m x 30cm

1 suitcase, plus handluggage


And for What Not Do On A Ladder- as above PLus 

1 box 16 kg, dimensions 80cm x 30cm x 60cm

I hand trolley 

Request a Quote

A hula hoop variation of The Dying Swan, “A brilliant, essentially comic routine that dissolves into a blur of hoops and flying feathers.” (The Age) "extraordinario" (El Pais Spain) and "‘an excellent adaptation of a classical theme with a highly intelligent wink from Down Under’. Tete A Tete festival Germany

Based on the ballet role first danced by Anna Pavolva, hula-hoop stunt artist Judith Lanigan gives us a Swan determined to be a Swan against all odds. This Swan is not dying, she is full of courage, humour, and rare hula hoop moves and manipulations.

This is  family friendly show that can be performed on stage (10, 15 or 20 minutes) or as a stunning piece of street theatre (35 -40 minutes).

There are also beautiful images available as back ground and overlays for events with projection footage.

FRANCE, Chalon Dans La Rue, Les Virevoltes 97 00, Bonheur Des Momes,  Pontarlier, Aurillac Festival, Soiteville les Rouen, UK, Medium Rare Cabarets. Newcastle Street Festival UK, Burleski@No  5 Streets of Brighton, Glastonbury Festival 04, 03, Best of the Brighton Comedy Festival. Covent Garden Street Artists Festival, Cardiff Harbour Festival, Winchester Hat Fair, Edinburgh Festival (Go GO Burlesco) Eurostar 10th Anniversary celebrations. GERMANY Gorlitz, Klienes Fest Hannover, Ludwigsluft and Bad Pyrmont. Tete A Tete Festival Duchstein festivals in Kiel, Hamburg and Lubeck. Ludwigshafen Straat festival and Friedrichshafen festival, Berlin Gauklerfestival, Koblenz Komedie Festival 2nd prize Moers Komedie arts Sweden Stockholm Water Festival, 97,98, FINLAND …Helsinki arts Festival,  SPAIN Trapezi Circus festivals Vila Nova, Vila Seca, Reus, Las Pallasses festival Andorra Vila Real, Leioa, Viladecans, Tarrega, Leioa, La Marato, Vittoria, El Ejido, Almansa,  ITALY Premio Andersen 03, 04  Artisti In Piazza, La Noche Della Streghe and Fratelli di Taglia, SWITZERLAND Lenzerheide Viva La Strada 97, 98, 99, 00, La Plage Des Six Pompes, 03, 00,  EXPO 02, NEW ZEALAND Christchurch world Buskers Festival. 98, 99, 04 Nelson Street theatre festival, Taranaki, Taupo, JAPAN. Noge Daidogei AUSTRIA  Caravan Impuls,  Linz Pflasterspektakel 03, 01, 97,98,99,Villach, Feldkirch Gauklerfestival, NETHERLANDS Oerol Festival 04, 03, 00, 99, 98, 97, SAIL 2000 Rotterdamm Straatfestival 04,98  Lowlands, Viva la Strada, Vlissingen,





Radio mic (artist can provide)

PA for music (artist can provide small rechargaeble amplifier)


Music is provided by the artist on ipod or other device


MINIMUM 3 m x 3 m flat performances space

For street theatre 4m x 4m PLUS area for audience

The Dying SWan requires 2.5 m overhead clearance

What Not To Do On A Ladder requires 3 m overhead clearance. 


DRessing Area, mirror,  and toilet access

Summary Time Price

a maximum of three shows, does NOT include trvael and accommadtion where that is necessary.

Show schedule can include both The Dying Swan and What Not To Do On A Ladder.


Maximum of three show day, up to 30 minutes each show Start From $1,275.00 Send Enquiry

Please note that the price quoted is basic rate, and does not include travel.

Additional performances can be negotiated 

10- 20 minutes. Start From $640.00 Send Enquiry