Phly Crew is an eccentric, exciting, comedy Hip-Hop Duo based in Sydney Australia. The two dancing comedians have been seen on Television’s “Australia’s Got Talent” & “So You Think You Can Dance” Also hitting the stage at corporate events around Australia (Blackberry Mobile, Telstra, Adelaide Football, West Mead Children’s Hospital).
Phly Crew have built a reputation for bringing high energy, professional shows that regularly have clients asking them back for more!
In 2011, 'Phly Crew' represented Australia in the Hip-Hop International championships in Las Vegas, were they competed against the best Hip-Hop dance crews in the world. In 2010 the well-known Hip-Hop competition 'Looze Control' handed over the title of Australia’s Best Dance Crew to 'Phly crew' and again in 2012. Founders of ‘Phly Crew’, the ever enthusiastic James Barry (JB) and Neale Whittaker founded this unique Hip-Hop crew when performing together at Luna Park Sydney in 2009.
JAMES BARRY – Trained with the Urban Dance Centre and has choreographed for Dasave (Russia) for their ‘Teleldemocracy’ music video. JB also made it into the Top 100 for SYTYCD in 2010. He was a featured lead dancer in ‘Wrong Proms’ 1 through 4, a lead actor in ‘The Fabulous Punch and Judy Show’ (Cabaret) and is most recognised for his featured dancer role in Art VS Science’s ‘Magic Fountain’ music video and Multiple appearances on MTV.
NEALE WHITTAKER – After studying at Ev & Bow (Sydney), Neale has burst onto the scene as an assistant choreographer to Sarah Boulter for SYTYCD. He was a part of the ‘Shorter and Sweeter’ Tour in 2011 and made it into the Top 40 of SYTYCD in 2010. Seen many times on stage and on camera Neale has worked on set of 'Dance Acadamey' and performed alonside world Famous Hip-Hop Artist '360' and the Arias!
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