Introducing...the Kangaroo Creek Gang Roadshow - the all Australian entertainment show for children! Featuring...Ranger West and his Bush Buddies!
Many parents, teachers and children are familiar with the fabulous Kangaroo Creek Gang. The Gang is very well known to WA’s youngsters through our book series (40 books in all) and multimedia packages, which are currently available in 95% of Western Australia’s primary schools. Our characters are also featured every night in Kenny Kidna’s ‘goodnight segment’ on Channel 10 in Perth and we have completed a second series of 26 half hour animated television shows, making a total of 52 episodes, which are currently being shown on the Nine network, making us even more in demand throughout WA.
All shows maintain a high level of large-scale audience participation with dances and close interaction between the children and the characters. Our shows feature a combination of characters including Kevin Kangaroo and Wal Wombat (full sized costume characters), Tiddles Tiger Snake and Redmond Rabbit (Large puppets) and Ranger West, who sings and plays his guitar live, to orchestrated accompaniments. Some of our show formats also utilise a fourth costume character, the villainous ‘Creek Urchin’, who tries to spoil our fun with a variety of magic tricks and devices.
In all or our shows, the children are involved in playing musical instruments and singing and dancing with us. Prize bags are awarded to the children of the audience during each 35 minute show.
We have performed at numerous agricultural fairs, fetes, primary schools and shopping centres throughout WA. In addition to this, we have toured to every capital city in Australia including a series of 10 performances at the World Expo in Brisbane. Whether you are looking for a full stage show or a backyard birthday party performance, The Kangaroo Creek Gang Show is recognised as among the very best in the country and we know you will be thrilled with our performance!
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